
Activity is essential for every dog. Finding the right amount for your pup will not only help with restlessness, but it will minimize undesirable behaviors like chewing shoes or carpets, excessively pawing for attention, jumping and barking, obsessing with the trash, and digging up the backyard. Additionally, regular daily movement helps your dog maintain a healthy weight while preventing chronic conditions like arthritis and diabetes.

So now that you know how much exercise your dog needs, how do you know what kind of exercise is right?

Here are some quick ideas for getting your dog the correct type of exercise.

Light activity

Light or low impact activity includes leisurely walking, swimming, a quick game of fetch, and don’t forget mentally stimulating activities like teaching your dog tricks or interactive toys. If you can't get outdoors, a game of indoor fetch, some nose work or working on basic training skills will work.

Moderate activity

Medium intensity exercises include brisk walks, hiking on flat terrain, backyard training games, an intense game of fetch or tug of war. If you can’t get outside, running up and down the stairs or hide and seek are also great options.

Intense activity

Intense exercise includes a fast-paced game of fetch or monkey in the middle, running off lead, joining you on a bike ride, hiking hilly terrain, playing with other dogs, agility training, mushing, or skijoring.

When exercising your dog, make sure you have plenty of water and watch their behavior, panting, sitting, and laying down are all signs you have tired them out! If you haven’t exercised your dog in a while, start slow. Always consult with your vet before beginning an exercise routine.

How To Find More Time for More Exercise for Your Dog

Do you struggle with making sure your dog gets enough exercise? A virtual dog fence can help! SpotOn GPS dog fence lets you set up virtual fences in minutes, using your Smartphone. Once your dog is trained to respect the boundaries (it typically takes just 2 weeks!), your dog can unlock hours of extra exercise as they safely explore your backyard, within the secure virtual fence. Ready for life unleashed?


Buy a large collar. 19-26"
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