8 Acres of Freedom for This Poodle Mix Pup: Chico's Story

Meet Chico from Ontario, Canada.
Chico is a super happy, energetic guy who loves affection. He is friendly and outgoing, and loves all dogs and people. This 5 year old Poodle mix is a rescue pup, adopted from Carter Rescue in Bracebridge, Ontario. He now lives on a 10 acre property in the Canadian wilderness, complete with woods, lakes and fields. And he gets 8 acres of freedom with his fence!

When pup parent Tara adopted him, she found out he was from Mexico City. Given his native Spanish, Tara kept saying ‘bueno chico’, to tell him ‘good boy’ in his native Spanish. She said it so often that it stuck! And that’s how this good boy got his name.
Chico is cuddly & fun-loving, and loves the outdoors. But he is also prey-driven and somewhat of an escape artist. So before SpotOn, life for Chico was leash walks and being tied outside. Especially since he had a bad habit of taking off and heading for the road. Now, with SpotOn, Chico can enjoy his outdoor freedom and favorite activities.
‘Chico loves dock time, engaging with red squirrels, finding patches of sunlight and hiding his chew bones. He can do these things because of his SpotOn collar.’ Tara, Owner

For more outdoor entertainment, Chico gets to watch the neighbor cows. All the calves come over to say hi to Chico, and thanks to his SpotOn collar, he doesn’t venture into the cow pasture.
As we hear from many customers, using SpotOn GPS Fence changed the relationship with her dog, since Chico got the freedom he needed to be a dog, and Tara got the peace of mind she needed to relax.
‘Chico is happy and gets enough exercise. Chico knows the boundaries now and respects them, which has taken all anxiety away from our relationship. Chico communicates when he wants in or out. He is happy to put his collar on and understands that it means freedom within his boundary.’
What initially sold Tara on SpotOn Fence was the ability to make multiple fences, and the portability. Beyond their backyard, they’ve used SpotOn at their second home, visiting friends and family, at the beach and while hiking.
Having recently upgraded to the Gen 2 SpotOn GPS Fence, Tara’s favorite features are seeing the fences built as she walks, and the new app. And that Chico can continue to play freely with other dog friends inside the boundary, keeping himself busy all day long within his 8 acre fence. Which makes for a happy dog and a happy owner!

This is Chico visiting his dog friend Annie & using his circular fence.
Do you want to share your pup's SpotOn story? Send it here!
Author Bio:
Amy McPoland is a dog mom, dog lover and Sr. Brand Strategist at SpotOn Fence.
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